We're building autonomy to empower humanity

Our first commercial platform SKY services the extractive industry.

Our Mission

Preserve humanity by building technology to help people involved in the most dangerous work do their jobs safer.

Preserve Lives

Every life lost or person hurt is a missed opportunity to do good that we can't ignore

Improve Outcomes

There's life & quality of life, both matter to us, & we want to improve both for people.

Revolutionize Work

What if better outcomes could be achieved with no one hurt? We'll make it happen.

Potential Impact

An estimated 300,000,000+ people a year are killed, require hospitalization, and or are left with permanent disability globally from work related accidents and diseases. We intend to build technology that brings this number to zero.

Our Platform

SKY empowers your drone operators with seamless VR and AI integration. Increase safety, decrease downtime and finish jobs faster.

Schedule Demo

What you can do with SKY today

Get started with SKY in 15 minutes or less.

5 Min
10 Min
15 Min

Control Your Drone

  • Plug in and connect your DJI drone
  • Look where you want to go
  • Simple controls - anyone can fly it

See What's There

  • Instant video feed in your headset
  • Fast sub 200ms latency
  • Inspect from a safe distance

Capture Everything

  • One-click photo capture
  • Record entire inspection
  • Keep your team safe

Why SKY Beats Traditional Methods

Outdated inspection methods put lives at risk

Traditional Inspection

High Fatality Risk

Inspectors stand next to unstable highwalls, risking death from collapse

Slow & Expensive

Takes hours to inspect a single wall section with multiple safety personnel

Limited Coverage

Can't safely access the highest or most dangerous areas

Poor Documentation

Handwritten notes and occasional photos make reporting inconsistent

SKY Inspection

Zero Risk to Life

Operators stay 100+ meters away in complete safety

4x Faster Inspections

Complete wall inspections in minutes instead of hours

100% Coverage

Easily access and document every inch of any highwall

Complete Visual Record

HD video and photos of every inspection for perfect documentation

The Bottom Line


Average cost of a single mining fatality


Reduction in inspection time with SKY


Worker safety during inspections

Our Culture

We're a remote company meaning you can work from anywhere. We're driven by impact not credentials or arbitrary coding tests, and we always put safety first.

One Mission

We work toward a singular mission of preserving humanity by protecting human life from dangerous situations.

Quality > Quantity

From hiring, to the tools we use, and even the benefits we provide, we prioritize quality above all else in pursuit of our mission.

True Flexibility

As a fully remote company we provide our team unparalleled flexibility in their work. Employees can work from anywhere.

Absolute Accountability

We believe in “absolute accountability”, meaning we operate as a team open to constructive criticism and feedback.

True Meritocracy

We also believe in “true meritocracy”, meaning we operate such that even a day one employee can be heard.

Ship Fast, Ship Safe

In order to complete our mission we believe we must be able to ship both incredibly fast & safe, neither take precedence to the other.

Help Us Save Lives

We believe the world needs this, that it won’t happen any time soon if we don’t do it, and crucially we are much less likely to succeed if extremely talented people like yourself you don’t join. So please do.
